Additional Functionality for Workflow Tasks in the Onboard+ Borrower Portal

Tasks within a workflow can be reassigned or reopened as needed. Additionally, users can add notes to tasks and review the associated activity of the task.

Reassigning Tasks

At times, it may be necessary to reassign tasks to different users or teams. For instance, when Jenny selects the "Review Document" task, she will notice that it is initially assigned to Jane Smith. If Jenny decides to take on the review herself, she can easily do so by clicking the Reassign button to update the assignment. 


A pop-up window will appear, allowing Jenny to assign the task to herself.


With the task now assigned to Jenny, she can move forward by clicking on the "Begin Task" option.


Please Note:

Reassign can be used from within a task and the Assign Task modal will appear like before.


Reopening Tasks

You can also reopen a completed task by selecting the appropriate option from the task menu.


Alternatively, you can also reopen a task from within the task interface after it has been opened.


In both scenarios, a modal will appear prompting the selection of an Assignee and a Reason for the task assignment.

Adding Notes

To add a note, click on the Notes tab within the task, then select the text field labelled "Type something..." to begin entering your comments.


Once you have typed your note, simply click on the "Add Note" button to save it.


The newly added note will now be visible in the Notes section of the task.



If you position your cursor over the menu on the right and select ...


A delete option will become available for you to remove the note.


Reviewing Activity

Similarly the activity within a task can be viewed from the Activity


If you need any further assistance with this process please email our Support team at