An overview of the Form Audit report

The valid8Me platform allows users to easily audit and generate reports for forms.

To access the Form Audit area, simply go to the Report section in the sidebar of the Onboarding Portal.


You can choose the desired date range from here, and it will display a form that was either created, completed, or last updated within those specified dates.


If you have the right permissions in valid8Me, you will be able to see the cog icon and the "Export Results" button. The cog icon allows you to customise the columns that can be included in the reports, while the "Export Results" button lets you save the report data.


If you don't currently have access to these features but need them, please contact your account Admin and ask them to enable the necessary permissions for you.


Forms can be filtered by:

  • Form Template
  • Template Version
  • Assignee
  • Status

Please note:


You can search for forms using the following criteria:

- Form instance ID 

- Page name

- Client name


You can select dates for the following options:

- Date the form was created

- Date of the last update made to the form

- Date the form was completed


If you need any further assistance with this process please email our Support team at