Setting up Microsoft Sign Sign On between your company and valid8me

valid8me now supports Single Sign On for businesses using Microsoft. In this article, we describe how to configure your onboarding company to allow users to sign in using Microsoft SSO

Note: If you are on a free account and would like to avail of this feature, please leave your details here and we will get straight back to you.

Azure AD Configuration

Note: The below steps will need to be performed in Microsoft Azure AD by a user with (at least) Cloud Application Administrator or Application Administrator privileges

The valid8Me SSO application is now available in the Microsoft Azure App Gallery. For instructions on how to configure this application, please see 

Tutorial: Azure AD SSO integration with valid8Me

valid8me Configuration

Setting up SSO within valid8me

Note: The below steps will need to be carried out by the business admin user of the onboarding company

Log into your portal using your username and password. On loading the application, navigate to the Single Sign On page. From the side menu on the left, select Settings, then click Single Sign On from the top menu:

Once on the Single Sign On page, ensure you are on the Identity Management tab/view and click Create.

You should be presented with a pop-up window as per the below Screenshot.

Enter the information from Section 4 – set up valid8me SSO from your Azure AD Application Configuration. You will need:

  • Login URL

  • Azure AD Identifier

  • Logout URL

  • Certificate (Base64 format)

You will find the Certificate in Base64 format in Section 3 – SAML Signing Certificate.


Once you have entered the required information and uploaded the certificate file, click Create.

Setting up SSO invitation within valid8me

Note: The below steps will need to be carried out by the business admin user of the onboarding company

The setting is to configure what domain users can be invited if the user never registered in valid8me. i.e. user email ends with a configured suffix that can be invited as a specific role to the business company. 

Log into your portal using your username and password. On loading the application, navigate to Settings on the left-hand panel then click Single Sign On from the top menu:

Once on the Single Sign On page, ensure you are on the Invitation tab/view 

Select Create. On the pop-up dialogue:

Screenshot 2022-07-05 154141
    1. Email Suffixes: domain name, Full email is acceptable so specific users can be invited to a specific role. To allow multiple suffixes for one role, input the suffixes in multiple lines.

    2. System Roles: The roles of a business company.

    Once configured as per the above instructions, if already has an account within your company in valid8me, they will be able to log in using SSO (and are a part of the Users and Groups mentioned earlier). If is a new user within your company and tries to access the application with your company's custom URL, they will be redirected to sign up for an account.

Signing In with SSO

Once the steps above have been completed, users can sign in to valid8Me using the URL<TENANT_ID>/ 

A custom URL can be arranged for your business, please contact the Support Team for further information.