Creating a Form Template

To create forms in valid8Me, you can utilise the Form Template builder

You can access the Form Template builder by navigating to the Configuration area in valid8Me.


Next, you should click on the Form Templates tab to access the Form Template builder.


At the top right-hand corner, you will find a button labelled "Create Form +". Click on this button to begin creating a new form.


A modal window will pop up displaying the following information.


The Form's name, Type, and Product/Service are required fields that must be filled out. You have the option to choose the Form Owner and add a Form Description as well.


Please note the following regarding the Form Owner:


Once you are ready, simply click on the "Create" button and the Form Template builder will appear. From there, you have the flexibility to add a Risk Score and/or a Customer Due Diligence level by selecting options from the dropdown menus. To enhance your form, you can also add New Pages or New Sections with just a click of the "+ Add" button. To add questions you can simply select from the question picker on the right-hand menu.


Please note:

A risk score is a specific, action, process, or event for which risk needs to be calculated. By selecting a value in this field you are specifying that you wish a risk calculation to take place in conjunction with this action, process, or event. 


A Customer Due Diligence level classifies and helps to identify the number and type of questions required to be answered on a customer in order to appropriately risk rate a customer. 


If you need more information about the different types of questions, please click here


If you need any further assistance with this process please email our Support team at