Responding to Correspondence in the Onboard+ Lender Portal

Borrowers have the option to reach out to a Lender at any stage during the onboarding process.

Here is an example of a New Correspondence from a borrower. To proceed, just click on the row.


Details of the correspondence open in the Inbox of the Correspondence tab. We can see who it is from, the subject, the date and most importantly the status of the correspondence. In this case, the correspondence is urgent. 


After clicking on the correspondence, it can be read and a reply can be prepared by typing in the text field that says "Type something..." 


After reading the correspondence and seeing that it is a request for the Investment Management Agreement, the Lender decides to close the correspondence and go back to Actions. Then the Action for the Investment Management Agreement can be clicked and the Investment Management Agreement can be uploaded and shared with the Borrower.


For details on how to upload and consent to sharing documents from the Lender Portal please see this article.


Now that the Investment Management Agreement has been uploaded and shared the Lender can return to the Correspondence tab and click on the correspondence in the Inbox.


To respond to the correspondence, simply click on it to open the message and prepare your reply.


The reply, informing the borrower that the Investment Management Agreement has been successfully uploaded and shared, can now be sent by clicking the Send button.


Once the reply has been sent, it will be accessible in the Sent tab under Correspondence.


If you need any further assistance with this process please email our Support team at